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Just Because...

November 1, 2022
Gratitude: An Ongoing Practice
With the holiday season here and the year coming to an end, people often put an emphasis on taking time to reflect and practice gratitude. As great as this is, practicing gratitude throughout the rest of the year is just as important. Practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on your wellbeing, you mental health,...
Dog with green bowtie on floor rocker

Finley’s Rockin Christmas

There is a new addition to the living room this month…a giant tree! I thought those were only allowed outside. Not complaining. Just surprised. I even got a bow tie and brand new rawhide. This whole Christmas thing seems to be for me. I even get extra walks! I’ll be rockin around the Christmas tree…

November 9, 2021

Our Season of Gratitude

  With the changing color of leaves, we are nudged toward an awareness of time passing. The seasons remind us that they wait for no one. As we try to move toward a place of normalcy in a world that has been shaken, and for some turned upside down, we may want to take the…

November 12, 2020

Thanksgiving Cyber Weekend

Whether braving the lines of Black Friday for that super hard to get toy or starting your work week after Thanksgiving by chasing the Cyber Monday deals, most of us have participated in the American tradition of shopping for bargains right after Thanksgiving. It’s as Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie. But what does Black…

Finley’s Favorite Chair

      My human’s are busy working again… There sure has been a lot of indoor time. Thankfully, my best friend Mr. Rex and I have the best seat in the house. We can see the entire city down below. Imagine all the smells to sniff!                …

May 14, 2020

It’s OK Not To Feel OK

  The Rollercoaster Ride of Feelings During the COVID-19 Pandemic   When the “Stay at Home Orders” first became a reality, many of us did not know what to feel. Some of us started out feeling confused. We may have tried to avoid the whole subject of the COVID-19 Pandemic completely. Others began to feel…

Times Like These…

Work Life Balance During the COVID-19 Pandemic Giana and her husband live in Southern California and have a seven-year-old daughter who is in the first grade. TLJ: Giana, if you think back to a year ago, what did an average work day look like for you? GR: Usually: Up by 7am Breakfast with our daughter…
