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One Size Does Not Fit All

She stares out the window imagining herself running as fast as she can with the wind blowing in her face. She knows the swing set is waiting for her. She just wants to be outside. Her attention is broken when the teacher asks everyone to open their tablets and read the first chapter silently. The young girl looks around the classroom noticing the boy sitting across from her fidgeting with his legs. To her left, she sees another student staring at the ceiling. She looks to her right and observes her best friend looking at her tablet and reading the assigned chapter with a smile on her face.

One size does not fit all.

Sometimes we need to breathe fresh air. Sometimes we need steady movement. Other times, we just need a separate calming place to gather our thoughts. We need flexibility: the flexibility to learn, the flexibility to grow.

So how do we meet those needs when one size does not fit all in education and learning environments? That’s what we want to have a conversation about. What might it look like? What might it feel like? Let’s see…

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