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Weathering This Storm With Children

Author: Tajia Hammack

“It is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”


These past weeks have been quite intense, and we now face changes in our daily lives. This time will certainly leave memories for our children. Here’s how we have helped ease the stress for our family, and possibly will create happy memories while learning what is happening to our world.

My son (13) and I have been watching the numbers of infected people from day 1. It has become an incredible opportunity to discuss how we are all connected as well as how quickly this COVID-19 virus will spread in an uncontained environment. We have watched as the concern of the world has grown with the spread. The day came when the WHO termed the virus as a pandemic which has opened the floodgates with many more questions and research. Our searching together for information has brought some clarity of the situation at hand which has proven helpful in aiding my son’s concerns. Knowledge is power!

My littlest ones are concerned about grandparents, and other loved ones that we are not able to visit during the pandemic. We have learned to slow down and just spend time together. Explaining gently about the coronavirus that has infiltrated our lives has been another lesson altogether. We, like many, are hand washing like never before. Our lesson on germs has been a fun way to explore. Ours has included bread touched by dirty hands vs. bread touched by clean hands. Peeking into this new world has opened the doors of curiosity in a positive way. We have spent time making cards for the elderly and leaving them with grocery drop offs. Time spent together playing games, piecing together puzzles, and above all, being creative have proved as boredom busters as well as bringing much laughter into the house.

I do, however, feel the greatest lesson we can learn in this time is grace. We have learned together to be gentle with ourselves and also with others in our community. Hopefully, we can all go forth and do the same. We will get through this together.

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